Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kissing the ass of the dick that fucks you.

I've had way too many posts all full of vitriol lately. Erf's work has done many things to piss me off though, in all fairness...

And up until this point, I've been fairly tolerant. I've just told Erf to stick it out, because getting him to quit seems to be the only logical explanation for all the bs they're spewing out lately. I figure that in most cases it's best to leave an employer with a good impression and no reason to give you a negative reference.

This, my kittens, is NOT one of those cases.

I've only quit without a two-week notice in one case. Ever. That was because my manager kept badgering me about my weight, and it was totally harassment. I never reported her, which I regret, but karma came and bit her ass... She was fired for drinking on the job.

Erf's district has said some shitty things to him up until this point. Which, you know, he's the district. Whatever. But what happened this morning was just over the line.

Erf got to work this morning to find the place a total mess. He's maintenance. It's his job to clean, yes, but not to clean up the shit that the crew members should be doing.

Can I just go on the record telling you all that when he was a manager if he had let his crew leave the place like that he would have gotten his ass CHEWED at the VERY least?

When he called the district to complain about the condition the place was left in (ice cream and toppings all over the counters and floor, the grill a total mess) he was told that it's his job to do their bitch work. Which means that, most likely, they won't be reprimanded for not doing THEIR jobs.

(I think I've caught a case of caps.)(Capital letters, not caps like popping a cap in someone's ass)(though I'd love to pop caps in a few choice asses right now)

It's one thing to say shitty things when you're the manager, but to allow others to shit on him like this? It's unacceptable. And it's bad business ethic.

Sadly, though, Erf needs this job until something else comes along. Anything that will pay him more than this job, really.

Except that newspaper route in the ghetto part of Duluth. Cause you could totally be killed running that route. And besides, it doesn't pay more than this job.

But when he gets a new job, I totally and completely support not giving them any notice whatsoever. I mean, fuck, he's due to be done as of Black Friday anyhow. What the fuck do they care?

Now, all I need to do is figure out a way to sneak sugar into the district's gas tank without getting caught...*

* No, I wouldn't really do that. But I'd really, really like to. I'd settle for keying his truck...

8 dished:

Amy said...

First, what kind of freaking job gives you shit about your weight??? Unless Victoria's Secret is signing your paycheck that is a nonissue. And even then, Tyra made it PC to say "KISS MY BIG FAT ASS!"

And secondly, it sounds like Erf has to work with a whole bunch of children! How frustrating for you guys! Hope something better comes around asap, so you no longer have to put up with this crap!

Beautiful Mess said...

MAN! That fucking blows! Good for him for sticking it out, even though he doesn't really have a choice. I hope he finds something SOON so he can tell them to SUCK IT!

Sassy Pie said...

@Amy - The manager was kind of a stuck up bitch. On the latest fad diets, pancake makeup, the whole 9 yards. I even told her my issues with my weight put me into depression once and that I was finally ok with myself and she still kept saying shit like, "You'd be so much happier if you lost 10-20 lbs" Apparently her mom harped on her about it, but she didn't need to project it onto me. It put me in tears once, and that started my job search.

@Amy & Beautiful Mess - Erf does work with a bunch of children. I will let him know you're pulling for him, I know we both appreciate it. Thanks. :)

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

there is nothing worse than being unhappy with your job... Except that is being stuck in that job... or being in a relationship with someone in that situation...

Been there, done that...

Don't ever want to go back! Hope it gets better!

T. O. E. said...

Screw keying it or sugar in the tank, I can make that car DISAPPEAR. And not David Copperfield gone one minute, back the next, I mean gone for good. Middle of the night, hijack that thing from under their nose.

Just in case it comes up....

Sassy Pie said...

@kbreints - I'm glad you're out of it, it's a terrible sitch to find ones self in. Thank you for the good thoughts. :)

@T.O.E. - I'll let you know if I need you to hijack his truck. Thanks. :)

Chris Mancini said...

Instead of giving two weeks notice, I always find it more enjoyable to say as you're leaving on your last day,"So Long, Suckers!" It's both retro and satisfying.

Sassy Pie said...

@Chris Mancini - I shared that with Erf, and it made both of us smile. I'm sure he dreams of the day he can tell them to take a flying lemming leap, poor guy. I do wonder what tagline he'd be most likely to use... He's got a big hard-on for classic comics and such... "Hasta La Vista", perhaps? :)