I'm sitting and watching Castle with my mom... Job-searching for Erf....
The best quote from Season 1:
Beckett: "What is it with guys and boobs?"
Castle: "It's biological."
Beckett: "Doesn't' it bother you that they're obviously not real?"
Castle: "Santa's not real, but I still enjoy opening his presents."
Also, my new ring arrived today! My momma was nice enough to buy me a new wedding ring as a partial Christmas gift - because my old ring was beginning to tarnish on the inside.
To which I introduce you all to my new, sparkly friend:It is so much bigger than I'm used to; my old wedding ring was an eternity band with maybe 1mm stones in a channel setting. The central stone on this ring is 7mm. I know, holy crap hugeungeous stone!
It's going to take some getting used to, but I'm prepared to take the time.
It's sparkly, I'm a girl, do the math.
I'm excited/nervous for my job interview and my job training tomorrow. It's that happy excited feeling, and I really hope that this all works out. I'd love to be able to have the internet at home.
Cause having to drive 15 minutes to sit in a chilly basement (even if hanging out with my poor bed-rest-ridden mama is totally worth it) kind of sucks. Plus, in Duluth we have The Hills. Not Heidi and Spencer Hills, but huge gas-sucking, brake-killing hills.
Hills that Evil Kneivel wouldn't brave post-blizzard in a vehicle.
I'm glad that I live in Superior, because Superior is pretty Hill-less.
Off to head home and watch Star Trek and My Sister's Keeper.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I heart me some Castle...
Served up by Sassy Pie at 2:59 PM 0 dished
Labels: Happiness is two kinds of ice cream, Mommies are more than just mommies
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Holy motherfuck. I'm watching Katt Williams.
Dude is like a little black Chris Kattan. He's spastic and 4 feet tall.
Not to mention WHO-LARIOUS.
By the way, I'm super excited that my parents know Chris Mancini. Well, they don't KNOW him know him, but they've heard of him. But he once commented on my blog.
How did this come about? Because I told my parents that I was friends with Dane Cook on Facebook. Along with 12,000 other fucking people.
And then my dad told me I needed to do something to make myself stand out.
Because apparently, the dream that I had where he and I had some mad awesome chemistry and he asked me on a date? He doesn't remember being in that dream. Bastard. He never called after that either.
So to prove my Awesomeness (TM), I told him about Chris Mancini commenting on my blog. And to my delight, they've seen him on TV before!
I just moved up a spot in life. *smile*
Speaking of Movin' On Up...
(To the east si-i-de...) (Ok, enough with the Jeffersons references)
I have a job!!! I start my training next Wednesday. I don't feel like describing it, but it should be good money. And as a backup, I've also got an interview for two other positions before I start training on Wednesday.
The bad news is that Erf is done at the fast food restaurant of Douchebaggery. He was supposed to have through Black Friday,
(Nov. 26 for those of you morons who don't know what the fuck Black Friday is)(You suck if you didn't know that Black Friday is the day after Thanskgiving, btw)
but they told him that business isn't good enough for them to keep it so they made him run 6 fucking boxes of shit from one store up to the other and THEN fucking told him that they didn't need him anymore.
I just watched Katt Williams pretend to throw a bowling ball... Hrm.
This motherfucker just came on asking for a "What?"
Got one for ya, right here. Whaaat?
Also, I think I'd like to have sex with Danica Patrick.
Served up by Sassy Pie at 12:12 AM 3 dished
Labels: Douchebags R Us, I am all about the tangents, I Need To Quit Picking Fights, Today is a stabby kind of day
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Alright, let's give this mother a shot!
So, first, please pardon me if this post is short. I'm trying to do updates on my mobile, and I can only stand typing on my QWERTY keyboard so long damn it!
I had a job interview last night, and I really think that job would be a good fit for me. I call back at 3:00 today to see if I got it.
I also talked with a guy from the place my mom works at, and they want to interview me for two positions. No, it's not missionary and doggy-style. But they want to interview me on the days that they're doing orientation for the other job (if I get it)... Sigh.
I'll still interview with them - just in case. I may have huge tits, but I'm not dumb! I'll keep all of you updated on what happens after I talk to them later! :)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sooo... Blogs are going to be diminishing for a while...
I got fired yesterday.
It was my fault, I will totally own up to that.
My boss pulled me into the office five minutes before closing, and told me that he was terminating me - effective immediately.
Because all I have is mobile internet on my phone - regardless of my qwerty keyboard - I'm not going to be updating unless I get access to a computer. Which won't happen often...
Which is going to suck. But I couldn't let my kittens go without me without an explanation of sorts before I disappear into the land of the internet-less. I may resort to stone wheels and foot-powered vehicular transportation to match my internet-less existence. I'll still be on Twitter, since that is easily accessed from my phone and via text message alerts.
I love you and I'll be back as soon as I can be. ;)
Served up by Sassy Pie at 6:31 PM 7 dished
Labels: Confessions of a Sassy Drama Queen, Today is a stabby kind of day, Underneath The Crust
Monday, November 9, 2009
No I'm not dead!

Served up by Sassy Pie at 11:01 AM 2 dished
Labels: Bon Appetit, Food Porn, Underneath The Crust
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Kissing the ass of the dick that fucks you.
I've had way too many posts all full of vitriol lately. Erf's work has done many things to piss me off though, in all fairness...
Served up by Sassy Pie at 10:14 AM 8 dished
Labels: Douchebags R Us, I Need To Quit Picking Fights, Today is a stabby kind of day
Monday, November 2, 2009
New Halloween Photos!

Served up by Sassy Pie at 1:29 PM 2 dished
Labels: I Need To Quit Picking Fights, It is all about the Erflet
There's something about a pair of 4 1/2" stilettos that makes a girl feel...

Served up by Sassy Pie at 11:06 AM 8 dished
Labels: Happiness is two kinds of ice cream, I heart high heels, I Need To Quit Picking Fights
Friday, October 30, 2009
It's the witching hour. Perhaps I should buy some holy water...

Served up by Sassy Pie at 10:34 AM 8 dished
Labels: It is all about the Erflet, Mommies are more than just mommies
Thursday, October 29, 2009
You lucky, lucky kittens.

Served up by Sassy Pie at 1:50 PM 9 dished
Labels: Douchebags R Us, Food Porn, I am all about the tangents, Marriage is not for pussies
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
All the pleasure, none of the stickiness...

Monday, October 26, 2009
In which I turn to you, my readers, because I'm a please-everyone whore.
Yes, I will eschew my own happiness to make everyone else happy. I have done it for quite some time and will probably continue to try and make everyone happy regardless of how many times I find myself curled in the fetal position in my shower with mascara streaks running down the drain.
How can you afford steak and potatos when you just posted that you were applying for assistance?
And fyi, I bought a cheap cut at $2 per steak and marinaded it and a 5 lb bag of potatoes is like $3 - if it's any of your business. Not like I fucking bought filet mignon...
And Erf and I are both working, so we do have some income. The government didn't pay for our steak because it hasn't given us anything yet. It's no one else's business how we spend our money but ours, but it came out of our pocket. It's not like I applied for assistance because I'm some crackwhore trying to fuck the system. I didn't enjoy doing it, and I hope to get off it as soon as I can. But Erf got demoted and got his hours docked severely - so we NEED the help. I'm doing what needs to be done to help my family. Who are you to judge me? Because you're making me sound like some worthless welfare mom who's letting the government pay for everything. I'm not. I work full time and I pay taxes, so the money I'm paying my state should help me when I need it. I make NO apologies for that.
Served up by Sassy Pie at 2:01 PM 5 dished
Labels: Douchebags R Us, I Need To Quit Picking Fights, Reasons to make the New Problem Monster into a rug, Today is a stabby kind of day
Friday, October 23, 2009
Today can lick my puckered poop chute.
I'm sorry I haven't written in a few days, kittens.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Substances that make me gag...

Monday, October 19, 2009
It's Food Porn once more!

Served up by Sassy Pie at 2:56 PM 5 dished
Labels: Bon Appetit, Food Porn, Happiness is two kinds of ice cream
Thursday, October 15, 2009
To my sweet, wonderful, tolerant husband...

Served up by Sassy Pie at 11:43 AM 8 dished
Labels: Happiness is two kinds of ice cream, Marriage is not for pussies, Underneath The Crust
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Short post today
I'm not going to post a long blog today like I usually do. I'm feeling stabby, and my eyes hurt.
Served up by Sassy Pie at 12:08 PM 8 dished
Labels: Confessions of a Sassy Drama Queen, I am not the attorney, Today is a stabby kind of day
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
To my darling baby boy, Erflet...

Served up by Sassy Pie at 11:50 AM 6 dished
Labels: Confessions of a Sassy Drama Queen, Happiness is two kinds of ice cream, It is all about the Erflet, Underneath The Crust
Monday, October 12, 2009
Because I'm sure most of you are just dying for this...

Served up by Sassy Pie at 3:27 PM 10 dished
Labels: Confessions of a Sassy Drama Queen, I am all about the tangents, It is all about the Erflet, Underneath The Crust
Watching Evil Dead pre-bedtime was not the best idea I've ever had...
So, if you've never seen Evil Dead, it's this cheesy 80's horror flick about this group of 5 teenagers/young adults who rent a run-down cabin in the middle of nowhere. What could go wrong with that? I mean, come on. The bridge you crossed only lost a shitload of boards, but hey, who needs to drive our retro-mobile back over to the other side of the bridge? We have a cabin to ourselves!
Served up by Sassy Pie at 12:45 PM 4 dished
Labels: Confessions of a Sassy Drama Queen, Marriage is not for pussies, Reasons to make the New Problem Monster into a rug, Underneath The Crust